Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Week 1

So, it's > a week later, and I'm still thinking good thoughts about running!! Thanks all for your responses, and for the most part well wishes :) The thread from the email will definitely provide good scrap book material!

Susan and I are going to dust off our PM skills and put together a more formal invite and register for who's in for what and when. We have found a hotel that looks reasonable for ~$110 a night, and will see about reserving a block and inlcuding that information in the invite. Should have that all pulled together and out to all by 9/1.

If your interested in seeing what I look like after a 2 1/2 hour run in the woods check out the following link. Note the progression to happiness isn't the release of gas, I was stretching!! Also, the last picture isn't of me, it's of Mo, and her taking my training WAY to serious in trying to show me the proper way to do a belly flop on the trail run!http://picasaweb.google.com/kmack.mack/MarathonTraining/photo?authkey=5H-Ig2i11Fs#s5235663961936667026

The Beginning

Susan asked me the other day what I want to do for my birthday. Forthose of you not good with math, and for most of you that would besubtracting years from your age to get to mine, I got kind of a "big"one coming up in December. Since last year I made a mess of Susantrying to surprise me for my bday she decided it wise to have adiscussion about my desires for my 40th. My first thought is, wellit'll be like my 20th, and my 30th, invite friends and drink... Butthen I got to thinking, which is never a good idea, and I actuallycame up with an idea, not sure it's a good idea, and you all willthink I've lost it and send for an immediate review of my mentalstability... I want to do a marathon.

If you're interested, especially for those of you that met me in theearly years, running has NEVER been a passion/desire/thought of mine.I can still remember Ms. Schmock (if you don't know/remember that wasmy high school b-ball coach...) yelling at me to "MOVE MCCULLOUGH" mebeing always the last to cross the sprint lines... ~3 1/2 years agoRenee convinced me I should do the Shamrock Shuffle 5K, which howcould I resist a good Irish event like that, and being able to drinkafterwards. So, I started running but nothing serious. I can rememberhaving a conversation with a friend at work when I told her I was aslow runner, and she said there is nothing wrong with running 10minute miles, I said, um I run 13 minute miles... I went along forseveral years being content with running 2-3 miles at a time, and theoccasional 5K. Then I had my "second wind" inspired by Mo, whoalthough by full admission is an ultra-marathoner(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultramarathon) I just like to call hernuts. She convinced me maybe I could run a bit further, and then abit further and a bit further. When a couple of weeks ago we went ~9miles, granted it wasn't pretty, but I made it up right, I thoughtwell that was stupid. But then I go back to Susan's question "what doyou want to do for your b-day", and you know what, I think I want achallenge, I know I can drink, but can I run 26.2 miles AND THENdrink?

I realize this is a little off the standard protocol, but Susan and Iare going to Bloomington IN for my 40th, and I would like you all tobe there, whether as a 26.2 miler, 5.5 miler or spectator (to keepSusan company) and at the end have a beer with me, I'd love for you tojoin us. I don't have high expectations for myself, just don't wantDNF after my name (Did Not Finish) or for that matter DOA....

When: Friday December 5th, Saturday December 6th (race day), SundayDecember 7th (hangover and recovery day)
Where: Bloomington IN is the closest town
What: Marathon and Drinking (http://www.dinoseries.com/marathon.html)

I don't have all the details yet, kind of want to see who'sinterested, but we could easily reserve a block of rooms in a hotel inBloomington. For those of you willing to consider doing the marathonI recommend you sign up soon, as they fill up. It's not going to bean easy marathon, but no one ever said life would be easy(http://www.marathonguide.com/races/racedetails.cfm?MIDD=2072051203)

And although John T.'s wisdom should always be considered "if you wantto run, why do you need to drive to the high school, just run..." Thelocation in Bloomington IN looks awesome!