Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Week 1

So, it's > a week later, and I'm still thinking good thoughts about running!! Thanks all for your responses, and for the most part well wishes :) The thread from the email will definitely provide good scrap book material!

Susan and I are going to dust off our PM skills and put together a more formal invite and register for who's in for what and when. We have found a hotel that looks reasonable for ~$110 a night, and will see about reserving a block and inlcuding that information in the invite. Should have that all pulled together and out to all by 9/1.

If your interested in seeing what I look like after a 2 1/2 hour run in the woods check out the following link. Note the progression to happiness isn't the release of gas, I was stretching!! Also, the last picture isn't of me, it's of Mo, and her taking my training WAY to serious in trying to show me the proper way to do a belly flop on the trail run!http://picasaweb.google.com/kmack.mack/MarathonTraining/photo?authkey=5H-Ig2i11Fs#s5235663961936667026

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