Thursday, November 20, 2008

Week 14 (T-15Days/11Hours/36Minutes)

So, if you would have told me 4 months ago I would wake up on a Saturday morning at 5:00am, to run at 6:30 at 27 degrees, with 14mph winds, yeah, well, I think we all know what I would have said... NO THANKS! But that's not the case on Saturday 11/15, I got up, took the dogs for a walk and prepared for a long run... Keep in mind a long run 20 weeks ago was 3.5 miles as opposed to 3.1 miles.

Mo and I set out at 6:33 for our long run for the week. Time was short cause UW football was to start at 2:30pm, and in order to allow for proper football prep (shower, drive, drinking, burger) the run needed to wrap up a bit after 11:00am. Since I'm not one to be late for drinking and a burger I was good with 11:00am stop time. We started out Hwy 12 for the first leg of the run, wind to our backs (note this would make for an interesting return...) Made it out to the Missouri Tap and made the trip back with a stop at the Mobile Mart. The second leg included 1/2 of the Pheasant Branch Conservatory. I guess it's interesting statement in itself that an 18 mile run just included the normal milestones and landmarks:
- Out/back on two routes that used to be done independently and seen as an accomplishment.
- The quickest way to pee on the side of the road with out 1.) exposing yourself 2.) exposing yourself in the minimum amount of time, to avoid frost bite where you don't want it.
- Missouri Tap (note week 8)
- Mobile Mart: It is NOT easy to cross a four lane highway at 8:00 in the morning and not be considered a target.
- Stiff back legs. Seriously after running as much as I have, they are getting a little sore.
- Frozen Pop-Tarts. Honestly, they aren't have bad.
- Chocolate Chip Cookies at mile 13, come on that has to be a reason to run all by itself!

We rounded that Parmenter/Kenyon corner at 11:00 and moved right on through phase II and III of the day! Ok, I might have gotten an hour nap from 11:30-12:30, but I did play soccer until midnight the night before. With out skipping a beat we were at the UW football game for kick off (Phase II) and even found energy for after hour drinks at Claddagh (Phase III.) Ok, I realize for the youngen's in the crowd after hours is >2am, but after an 18 mile run, a Bloody Mary, 5 beers, a burger, 2 Jamison's and cheesy fries, 10:00pm is pretty darn late!

But in the end here's to the two significant others that love us and support this crazy activity:

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