The week before the marathon proved to be one of the most interesting. There is this thing called tapering, which allowed for all sorts of merriment making to celebrate my b-day week. Technically the tapering week "started" on Thanksgiving Day (11/27) which was the Berbee Derby (http://www.berbeederby.com/.) We polished off the 10K in 1:09:50 (11:15 pace.) Then it was off to watch football, eat turkey and partake in napping for the rest of the day!
As fate would have it the final weekend run would be what got me going back in June which is the trip from my house out around Pheasant Branch Conservatory (http://www.pheasantbranch.org/img/PBCmapLG.jpg) and back (~8 miles.) Back in June it about killed me. But with proper fueling (i.e. no Irish car bomb the night before) and having built up a few miles since, it was a relatively easy run.
The week included several shopping opportunities to make sure I had EVERYTHING I needed. I
visited REI, Dicks Sporting Goods, Target... (just a few of my favorite stores.) There were to be a few ~5 mile runs (Mon, Tues and Wed) and starting Thursday would be rest. Tuesday's run got thwarted by a surprise B-day party which resorted in going to a drinking establishment. Who knew my running Master would also put me to shame with event planning! I knew nothing of the surprise party even though I saw Susan come into the office moments before. Although one lesson learned is when you put 40 candles on a small cake you risk FIRE. Note, no DBA's were harmed during this event!

The week's end came on Thursday for me with a short day at work, dinner with a few of the folks unable to attend the weekends event, and the highlight going to see a friend's band play in their first paying gig (http://www.myspace.com/ghosttowncouncil.)
All in all one hell of a week of celebrating and plenty of reasons to do so!
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