Sunday, September 14, 2008

Week 4 & 5

I've been deliquent, but it's been a busy and great couple of weeks. Last weekend (9/7) we were witness to ~2500 folks doing the Madison IronMan. Quite the site of all those folks flopping around in lake Monona. I got to watch the start and the finish. The finish was inspiring to see folks after >13 hours of swimming (2.4miles), biking(112 miles), and then finishing with a full marathon (26.2 miles)! Congrats to Wes for a successful event! Cool thing to watch, but no I have no interest in participating... Being the youngest of five where all four elders were accomplished swim team members, I fell through the crack, and would be lucky to dog paddle 2o yards!! And since I'm confessing I also got out of piano lessons, but make up for it know with my Karaoke abilities, for those of you that don't recall my fifteen minutes of fame ( Yeah, I know I got Mom's singing abilities...

Back to running, we are right on schedule!! I'm still at the max for one run around 11 miles, but I'm feeling good after 11 miles, and not exhausted. Overall mileage for the week is going up, and as Master Mo says that's the thing to do. Note Mo started referring to me as "grasshopper", so it greatly amuses me that upon looking up this reference the teacher in question was Master Po, so seems a natural fit (

I've also found the ability to spend money on ALL the necessities for running (various socks, body glide, jelly bellies, water belt with all the proper accouterments, running shoes, trail shoes, rain jacket...) So, even if I don't finish the marathon I'll look good doing it!

1 comment:

JanandCindy said...

Kate or should I say "Grasshopper"

"Why are grasshoppers so noisy? It’s because they’re singing to woo their partners. They have as many as 400 distinct songs, which they sing during their courtship and mating cycles." After watching your "Boots are made for Walking" show--I am assuming not much mating is goind on. Also, apparently grasshoppers have huge hind legs to assist with jumping abilities---if that is true, then I should be able to jump about 6 feet higher than you!! Keep up good work; can't wait to see you on the 6th!!