Saturday, September 27, 2008

Week 7

This week's long run, was a solo run. Susan and I got away for the weekend to celebrate our 7th anniversary! Believe me, similar to running a marathon, that's never happened for me before...

Checked out some options for a long run, I was looking to get ~12 miles and in hopefully around 2.5 hours. After a bit of research, and a drive through the country I picked the following route:

The pre-run dinner included Shepard's Pie from the Irish Pub in the inn we are staying in (Shameless plug for a good homeland joint: It proved to not be a bad thing, but might have been tempered by the three types of potatoes I had with it too (mashed, fried and skins...) I also stayed away from the Irish Car Bombs, and stuck with my MGD-64! I really think Miller needs to market more to the Marathoners of the world, it's the perfect combination of hydration and gives you a bit of a buzz!

The roads on the route proved to be nice, quiet, country roads (Irish Hollow: how can you go wrong with that and Rocky HILL certainly deserved it's name.) Cemetery Road was a bit creepy last night when I drove the route, but not so bad during the day. It was a little more creepy having the souped up 4x4's driving by me and wondering if "billy-bob" might be looking for a cute little thing to take back to the shack for some fun... Good thing I don't qualify as a "cute little thing..."

It was perfect weather, started out at 8:00am, and the landscape was beautiful! I saw hawks going out for their morning flights and a deer having breakfast in someones lawn. I was challenged on Rocky HILL when I noticed the "Steep Grade" sign, had to walk up some of the hills, but managed a head. Then on 6th mile I passed Marge Beadle's farm, and in particular her cows. I hadn't realized cows were such and active bunch, although I think it might be because I inspired them ("if that chick can run, so can we!") As I ran by the cows they joined along my side, although it was a bit embarrassing when they passed me for a bit, but I'll have you know they did finally give up, and I DIDN'T!!

I made it through the 8 mile loop and headed back out for about 4 more miles out on Irish Hollow, but turned around before I got back to the cows, something tells me at that mileage they might have been able to take me... The run finished at 2:42 hours, and I'm tired and soar... Time to go shopping, ok maybe a nap first...

Elevation Map (guess where the "steep grade" sign was!)

1 comment:

JanandCindy said...

Don't under estimate yourself Katie. I think Billy Bob would definitely take you home; especially if you could hook him with wireless fast internet so he could upgrade his "young boys" pedophile browser!!!