Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Week 10 & 11

No, I haven't given up on running, just been delinquent in writing. In fact there has been NO shortage of running the last two weeks! What I fail to mention in these posts is that it's not just the weekends that involve running, it's pretty much 6 days a week. Tuesdays being ~10 hill repeats on High Point road, with the Capital Brewery constantly in the background mocking us. Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays are, for lack of a better word, "normal" runs, just a short 5-5.5 mile run typically at noon. The trick is what has transpired at work in the morning as to exactly how fast the run is. Some days it's around 12 minute miles, other days it's been identified that constant mileage has been run at ~10.30 minute miles (yeah, I know seems unlikely, but I suppose you really run enough and you can get your time down...)

Until it got cold this week, there had been a surge of snakes on the nooner running path (and you wonder how you can get me to run 10:30 minute miles? Have a 6 inch garter snake chase after me, yeah, it's frightening!) So, maybe the surge was at most 10 snakes on any one day, but there was one REALLY big one, like two foot and mean looking and really Mo provides little protection.

We've done so many long runs now on the weekend that I can't even hardly remember the one on the weekend of the 18th, but I KNOW I did one! Last one weekend was an "easy" weekend, only had it in me to do a couple hours, it was windy, and the last two weeks of running had worn me out a bit, including soccer season starting up. No! I'm not whining! Well, maybe I am a little. But the biggest reason for the short run is Shawn, eldest sister, came to visit.

Saturday not only had to include the two hour run, but a UW football game, hitting balls, and well, a little drinking... But it was ONLY because Shawn was here, and Gar wanted to show her a good time (picture provided below.) You do know when this running thing becomes more of a lifestyle than exercise, when your able to peel off a 3 mile run after a day of drinking (no pictures provided.)

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