Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Week 9

Here's the question of the week... Do you trust technology OR my ability to follow a map? Mo and I have been prepping for the trail marathon on what we believe to be an equivalent trail outside of Madison, called Indian Lake. Note this route came up in week 1 when we did three loops of the trail. Well, this weekend we did four loops. So the question is according to Mo's GPS watch we did just over 12 miles but according to the map of the loop (red) we did was 17.5. Now, what you can't see is the HUGE frickin' hill that you have to go up after in the first mile, it's definitely a walking hill... So you be the judge, I think the answer is somewhere in the middle.


There was an incident that of course is worth mentioning and providing pictures. On the third loop we were running along at a pretty good clip. This was a particularly busy day at Indian Lake, EXTREMELY unseasonable weather it was upper 70's in October!! So lots of folks getting their last hurrah in. However, as we past a mom and her two kids who were enjoying the colors of fall and picking leaves...

Well we should pause here a minute, now running trails is difficult there are rocks and roots and various things you have to watch out for, and you add in a coat of leaves and it can be down right treacherous! So through out the run you are doing the occasional trip and rebalance, and as I've been instructed by Master Mo, I have been specifically told do NOT try to catch someone falling it can only do you and the other more harm. This Grasshopper pays attention, darn it, to what I've been told! Ok, so back to the previous paragraph...

As Mo and I pass the family, it's still not clear what caused the unbalance, was it a rock? a root? my foot? I don't know that we will ever know. But Mo took a digger, however in Mo form she took the blow HEAD on, well and other areas took the brunt, but you'll see... Mo did the trip, try to catch her self, try to catch herself, try to catch herself, and we ALL thought she had it, but no, she was on the ground in a superman flying pose. Don't worry NO children, by-standing mothers or Mo's were hurt! And I'll have you know I did NOT try to catch her, so I listen! The good news is Mo got up with no cuts and we finished the third and FOURTH loop!!

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