Wednesday, November 5, 2008

“It's kind of fun to do the impossible.” - W. Disney (Week 12)

18.62 miles: average pace 13.29 (including stops) 1:18/1:24/1:27 per 10k.

You can't make up numbers like that... Well at least you wouldn't, cause they aren't the fastest, but still not bad for those of us QUICKLY approaching 40. Since the overall goal is to be able to run a long ways and still be able to hold true to my Irish heritage (i.e. have a pint or two at the end) I'd say it was quite the successful training day!

Master Mo had positioned this as the "eating run", sound like a good run to me!! So, I set out the night before to find/purchase the junk food that you feel justified paying $6 for 4 small morsels, cause damit I'm gonna run 16+ miles (note 16+ miles, NOT 18+, it was all a ploy!) The end result was $32 spent at Target for pop-tarts (brown sugar/cinnamon), cheese & peanut butter crackers, berry/pomegranate juice, uncrustables (peanut butter/grape jelly), some kind of nut energy mix, chocolate milk, waffles (pre-run), and raisins. I know! It doesn't seem like you get much for $32, but I swear this did not include beer.

Due to the length of run and the fact there is only so much witty banter Mo and I can exchange it was decided singing would be involved in this run. No not me! I've retired my boots... And, well, Mo really can't carry a tune, so we resorted to iPods. We started out around 7am and it was low 40's and did 3 rounds of the Arboretum loop, which is a regular 10K loop (i.e. Zoo Run Run, Jingle Bell Run...) :

There was wildlife abound (but NO snakes!) wild turkeys, rutting deers (both does and bucks, people we live in Madison, have an open mind....) and random humans. The first loop was around the Arb. clock wise (note to self, bad things happen to those that go counter to society, i.e. a tree off the road does NOT mean a private place to relieve yourself, ESPECIALLY where 4 walking trails come together, amazing how at 8am the moon can shine in WI.) Loops 2 & 3 were done counter clockwise, which doesn't cause you to be in a socially awkward situation for lots of reasons.

Second loop started after a pop tart and juice, pop tarts are the food of the running goddesses! (Note to self, don't enter a port-a-john on a construction site, down on campus, on Saturday morning after Halloween... it ain't pretty.) The third loop was fueled by a PBJ uncrustable (NOT just for 10 year olds!)

End result was we went 18+ miles in ~4 hours! (Note to self, allow NO money to be carried on the run, else there is risk you will continue to do loops until that damn $20 bill is found.) All in all I felt good, my legs were a bit tired, but if we HAD to find the $20 I could of made one more loop. But, there was definitely enough energy reserved for a night of Halloween frivolity. I'm happy to report after 17 years, yes I CAN fit in my wedding dress!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Katie is downplaying things: oh, its true about the public pee, the disguisting port-a-potty and lost $20, and she did buy ample groceries for a HS cross country team. What she IS glossing over is the fact that she is ready and fully able to make the it's just a matter of keeping going iwth the schedule until December.

The Fraley's are looking forward to meeting up with the McCullough clan and other revelers..

"when was the last time you did something for the first time?"
- Kobi Yamada from "Ever Wonder"